Tool/Gear/Supply Lists
Below you will find a list of PDF’s of our courses that require tools, gears or supplies.
Lists for new 2025 classes will be added soon
Boatshop Tool Lists
Bronze Casting for Boatbuilders
Build Your Own Annapolis Wherry
Build Your Own Eastport Pram/Passagemaker Dinghy
Build Your Own Plank-Constructed Pond Yacht I
Build Your Own Plank-Constructed Pond Yacht II
Build Your Own Sassafras Canoe
Build Your Own Skerry Daysailer
Build Your Own Stitch & Glue Kayak
Building the Doryak River Dory
Concepts of Wood Composite Construction
Core Skills: Fitting Out Small Boats
Essentials of Fine Woodworking
Fine Strip-Plank Boat Construction
Glued Plywood Lapstrake Construction
Introduction to Boatbuilding: Skiffs & Dories
Introduction to Building Model Boats
Introduction to Woodworking: Macdonald
Introduction to Woodworking for Women
Making Friends with Your Marine Diesel
Marine Painting and Varnishing
Runabout Repair and Restoration
Introduction to Boatbuilding: Traditional Plywood Construction
Waterfront Gear Lists
Photo/Art Supplies Lists