Important Registration Information - 2024 Registration

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The Maine Coast in Watercolor

Capturing the Beauty of Coastal Landscapes in Plein Air

August 18 – August 24
Brooklin, Maine
Kat Logan
Experience Level
All Levels
Activity Level

This is a five-day class ending Friday.

Join artist instructor Kat Logan for a transformative five-day course, where you will immerse yourself in the world of watercolor painting and the breathtaking coastal landscapes. Designed for beginners with a passion for art and nature, this course will provide a comprehensive introduction to watercolor techniques while exploring the stunning coast of Maine through plein air painting.

Day 1: Introduction to Watercolor Materials and Techniques
Begin your artistic journey by familiarizing yourself with the essential watercolor materials and tools. Learn about different types of watercolor paints, brushes, papers, and other materials, and understand their unique qualities and uses. Explore basic watercolor techniques such as wet-on-wet, wet-on-dry, and dry brush, allowing you to gain confidence in handling this versatile medium.

Day 2: Plein Air Painting: Capturing Coastal Elements
Venture outdoors into the inspiring coastal landscape to engage in plein air watercolor painting. Under the guidance of Kat Logan, discover techniques to observe and interpret the unique features of the coast, including waves, rocks, cliffs, and vegetation. Learn how to capture the essence of these elements through expressive brushwork, color mixing, and layering techniques.

Day 3: Mastering Light and Atmosphere
Explore the interplay of light and atmosphere in coastal landscapes. Dive into the art of rendering the effects of light, shadows, and reflections on water, sand, and other surfaces. Learn techniques to create a sense of depth, luminosity, and atmospheric perspective in your watercolor paintings, allowing your artwork to evoke the mood and ambience of the coastal environment.

Day 4: Composition and Creating Dynamic Landscapes
Unlock the secrets of composition and discover how to create visually engaging watercolor landscapes. Learn about the principles of design, such as balance, focal points, and leading lines, and explore how to apply them to your own artwork. Through demonstrations and exercises, develop the skills to arrange elements within your paintings to create dynamic compositions that tell a captivating visual story.

Day 5: Final Projects and Critique Session
Harness the skills and techniques you have learned throughout the course to create your own unique watercolor paintings. Spend the final day working on a personal project that showcases your newfound abilities. Conclude the course with a critique session, where you will receive valuable feedback and guidance from Kat Logan and your peers, helping you refine your watercolor skills and further develop your artistic voice.

Throughout the course, Kat Logan, a highly experienced and acclaimed artist, will provide demonstrations, individual guidance, and group discussions to enhance your learning experience. Immerse yourself in the stunning coastal landscapes of Maine and discover the joy of capturing their beauty with watercolor.
Where we work in the studio or on location will be weather dependent and we will be taking field trips to local areas as well.

Please note: Participants are required to bring their own watercolor materials, including paints, brushes, watercolor paper, and any preferred tools.( a supply list will be included) Dress appropriately for outdoor activities and be prepared for various weather conditions.

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